Wednesday, March 28, 2012

News: PT Anderson's next coming, with dates.

Probably the movie I am following the most right now, Paul Thomas Anderson's "The Master" will officially be getting it's limited release on October 12 of this year.  It will then fan out from there.  This is Anderson's first film since 2007's "There Will Be Blood," which was also scored by Johnny Greenwood, as "The Master" will be.
"The Master" stars Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix, and is about a man returning from the war who decides to start an organized religion.  Everyone at this point makes a tongue and cheek comment about how the movie is not about Scientology, while hinting that it really is.  I'm not gonna do that, because I think that's dumb.
This is currently the biggest blip on my radar in terms of movies for this year.  PT Anderson is my favorite (living) film maker, and this film deserves an eye kept on it.

Slashfilm's coverage of this news here.
As always, live long and Excelsior.

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