Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Super Powers

 I've been wanting to expand to other writers, and a buddy of mine wanted to contribute this write up on super powers.  We've all been thinking in, they lay it out for us.

Superpowers That Would Be Awesome In Real Life

Let's face it: A lot of superpowers wouldn't be very useful in real life. Shooting lightning from your fingertips and lasers from your toes would work in the fight against supervillains, but how often would you use them in day-to-day activities? X-ray eyes are only fun until someone gets cancer.


It doesn't get much more convenient than this. Ever just not feel like walking? Why not levitate? Leave the remote across the room? Don't use your legs, use the Force. This handy little ability is like the Swiss Army knife of superpowers, allowing you to complete a day's work without lifting a finger. Don't even get me started on the gas you'll save by flying everywhere. Handier than a Benchmade knife.

Seeing the Future

Who hasn't thought about this one? Beyond the obvious lottery numbers, you'd be able to look into the future to see which stocks to buy, which route will have the least traffic, and whether or not it would be a good idea to hit on that cute co-worker. Try not to let anyone else find out, though, or you'll find yourself having to answer constant questions about which sandwich they should order and who they'll marry. Perhaps monetizing these powers wouldn't be such a bad idea.


Talk about a useful superpower. This would be a harder one to hide, but why would you want to? Not only could you pop anywhere in the world in an instant, you could open up your own travel agency. "How much are plane tickets to Hawaii, again? How about you pay that to me instead, and I'll teleport you there without all the grief from the TSA." Why, you could see the Egyptian Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, and the Empire State Building, and still be home by dinner.

Time Traveling

What if you could rewind time and redo anything that didn't work out exactly as planned? Replaying the slot machine using the same coin until you hit the jackpot, undoing conversations if you say the wrong thing, and reversing any mistakes would mean that your life could go exactly the way you wanted it to go. Fed up with your boss? Just give him a piece of your mind--or fist--and undo the damage. Best of all, in a way, this one gives you a sort of backdoor see-the-future ability. Watch the lottery drawing, then rewind and buy the right ticket.

by Annabelle Smyth